
Next Progress Review Day- Tuesday 20th April

Our next progress review day will be taking place virtually using school cloud.

Using the online booking system, appointments can be made using the link below. Please book this as soon as possible and no later than Tuesday 30th March

Each appointment lasts 10 minutes and will timeout automatically, so please do not be late. This means all appointments will run to time.

To book your appointments, please visit: https://onedegree.schoolcloud.co.uk

You will need to use your details, the email address the school holds for you (You were emailed these instructions to this email address) and the details of your child (Full first name, Surname, Date of birth). You need to make one appointment per child. We expect your child to be on the call with you on the 20th.

A short guide on how to book can be found here. If you need any technical support with booking your meeting, please call the school.

Also please take a look at the attachment here explaining how the virtual system works and what your appointment will be like.

